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Friday, September 3, 2010

Just keep going... going ... going...

Wow! (i wish i could make the font bigger..)
I can't believe that I finally did it!! I took 4 courses crumpled into a month! to be a trained lifeguard/ swim instructor... It was actually so stressful with the long hours and the amount of information I had to process in SUCH little time.
However, I finally did it teaching me a valuable lesson.. to never quit. This summer gave me a lot to think about ; I went through so much in these short two months. I learned to put myself first, to always think before I make important decisions, to let go of regrets (moving on) , and to never quit... just to keep going.

In the short years I lived, I was always doubted ... when an opportunity opened people said, 'why bother? there's such a small chance of winning.. " and I guess I accepted that ..making me lazy.
By doing this, actually accomplishing something huge, (to me at least) I see myself as powerful, and capable... smart .
Ha ha, I feel strong!!
Whenever you start something, it was meant to be finished. Don't cut yourself down if other people do; show everyone that you are capable of succeeding.. impress your doubters!
If you get pushed off your path into some shit filled field... keep walking until you find your path again! Those who have "everything" in their lives, and are always looked up to.... didn't quit. They did not get to their position because they had a loser's attitude. They saw themselves succeeding and made it happen. Have a winner's attitude, always aim for gold.

Remember everyone, just keep going.... going.... going....and going.... until you reach the end.


Until next time.

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