WE'LL BE YOUNG FOREVER. Thought of the day: heyhey - click me! ;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let it go

In my short years, so far... regret is ultimately one of the worst feelings I have ever felt.
You ask yourself why you did it, how you could do it, what in the world were you thinking...
But IT , is gone now.. way over there in the past, behind that lamp and the bookshelf, collecting dust as it is being forgotten . It's gone !
A mistake that most people make , is over-think about things . Life isn't that complicated, unless you make it complicated, (unorganized, dirty, etc) . If you keep thinking about it, making it more complicated than it seems to be, then I promise you, that you will most likely take forever to get over it. Let it go! You made a mistake in your life.. whether it's something small as being mean to someone, or something big like drugs/sex . Everyone takes a wrong turn in their life, so don't feel stupid and lost, because everyone else has been there too. YOU ARE NOT stupid and completely clueless, but just you.
I know, forgetting is the hardest part; it's easier said than done, but here's a thought:

People around you will forget if you stop reminding them about it.. by talking to them, and venting about your regrets and pain. YOU will forget about your wrong-doings if you stop talking about them... and when the odd person will ask about it simply reply "Huh? ... oh that? Yeah, what about it? " completely careless ... If you manage to do that, than you will feel better, stronger and on your way to recovery.
Regret, pshh... such a small part of your life. Do you have time to worry and stress about things? No! We're busy people ! Life is consistently moving, always moving , and we can't take breaks on the side! that's why you have to be as light as possible ... that of course excludes those little regrets.

Take one deep breath... like now... with me. breathe in...... and breathe out releasing all of it out.
Stay strong, solid and powerful.

Until next time.

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