WE'LL BE YOUNG FOREVER. Thought of the day: heyhey - click me! ;)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Stories to tell.

Her champagne glass spread across the floor, interupting the silence that was held for so long.She had felt like someone drew every word from her lips, making her voice useless. Her head displayed blank pictures and her eyes crystalized, as they watched. Without any notice, the heart panicked; as if trying to escape its captivity, the whole room heard its knocking. Feeling dozens of eyes crawling at every inch of her skin, she raised her thin arms to brush back her cut hair. Before her fingers could reach the neck, her legs collapsed making her entire body drop down. Her eyes, still with the frozen view, watched her blood glide across the floor, and the running feet towards her numb body. With the last panicked knock of her heart, her eyes closed.

Until next time.

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